Re: [-empyre-] for example - [ ? ] - exampl? -?xampl? -

+------------+                                          pppppppppppppppppp
|pppppppppppp|                                          prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
|pppppppppppp|                                          prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
|pppppppppppp| _ __  _ __ ___   __ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___ prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
|pppppppppppp|| '_ \| '__/ _ \ / _` | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
|pppppppppppp|| |_) | | | (_) | (_| | | | (_| | | | | | prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
|pppppppppppp|| .__/|_|  \___/ \__, |_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
|pppppppppppp|| |               __/ |                   prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
|pppppppppppp||_|              |___/                    prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp
+------------+                                          pppppppppppppppppp
I have been unconsciously programmed to ask a series of unanswerable,
impossible, and interminable questions. Infinite questions.
rrrrrrrrrrrrrr                                         ooooooooooooooooooo
roooooooooooor                                         ogggggggggggggggggo
roooooooooooor                                         ogggggggggggggggggo
roooooooooooor _ __ ___  ___ _ __   ___  _ __  ___  ___ogggggggggggggggggo
roooooooooooor| '__/ _ \/ __| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \/ __|/ _ ogggggggggggggggggo
roooooooooooor| | |  __/\__ \ |_) | (_) | | | \__ \  __ogggggggggggggggggo
roooooooooooor|_|  \___||___/ .__/ \___/|_| |_|___/\___ogggggggggggggggggo
roooooooooooor              | |                        ogggggggggggggggggo
rrrrrrrrrrrrrr              |_|                        ooooooooooooooooooo
> I know it's scary to some, but the unconscious, if it exists, would
> operate according to algorithms, Yvonne.
Where is the prescriptive force of the 'would'? Is it a model of
prescription? Who prescribed it? Did anyone? Did the program call for its
own self-realisation via a perfect 'model' arrived at during a step in the
process of history? Are we there yet? Is this it? We figured it out?
Perfection of the 'model' until it matches the map? The truth of the
matter? The truth of matter? We know now we are algorithmic programs? Thus
we produce interminable analyses of our own self-reflective and
self-refractive myths that explain our modelling of the model as a myth of
the model--i.e., The Matrix? That we do this as prescribed? As a cure for
desiring the unmodellable? The impossible? Is the impossible a sickness,
beyond prescription? Can't exceed the 'would'? If it 'exists'? 'Would' it
exist? Will we know this 'existence'? 'If'? Can a model say--'if'? Can a
program say--'if'? If/then -- X. But if 'not'? Y? If Y = 'not'?
           | |                                          | |              |
           | |     _   ,_    _     __,   ,_    _    _|_ | |     _        |
   |  |  |_|/ \   |/  /  |  |/    /  |  /  |  |/     |  |/ \   |/        |
    \/ \/  |   |_/|__/   |_/|__/  \_/|_/   |_/|__/   |_/|   |_/|__/      |
> the                                                                    |
> mind can be modelled as an information processing system (whether      |
> we are brains in vats or not) composed of programs, programs composed  |
> of algorithms.                                                         |
                 o               _                                       |
                 /              | |                                      |
  _  _    _  _     ,            | |     _   _  _            __           |
 / |/ |  / |/ |   / \_  |  |  |_|/ \   |/  / |/ |    |   | /  \_|   |    |
   |  |_/  |  |_/  \/    \/ \/  |   |_/|__/  |  |_/   \_/|/\__/  \_/|_/  |
                                                        /|               |
                                                        \|               |
What is a model? What is composition? What composes? Are we composing,   |
then all the time, or simply executing programs? Have we the ability to  |
infinitely compose or alter programs? Is there a limit to permutation?   |
What else is mind model? Can be modelled otherwise? What is processing? A|
step? A system? A system of process? What is a system that is of process?|
All the programs? How are they different from algorithms? What designates|
a program over an algorithm? Processing over system? Step over process?  |
Step _over_ process?                                                     |
                                    _                       __           |
                          |        | |                     /  \          |
        _  _    _   _   __|    _|_ | |     _   _  _  _       _/          |
       / |/ |  |/  |/  /  |     |  |/ \   |/  / |/ |/ |     |            |
         |  |_/|__/|__/\_/|_/   |_/|   |_/|__/  |  |  |_/   o            |

> An algorithm is just a description of the steps of a process.   \\\
Does a process have steps? Are not these 'steps' models? Are not these
'models' models? Is time a process? Are there different steps of time? In
time? Different models of time? Different times? Are there different
models of difference? Different differences that exceed the model?
Different steps of difference toward the same model? Is it the same model
of difference, or different models of the same? Is 'or' a model? Necessary
as 'or' is as the basis of algorithmic programing? And/Or? Is the 'and' a
model? A model of impossible difference?
> Da//////(::<<<<<<:(((<<<<<<<<:<<<<(B@@@@@@@@@@@$g0B%VVVVVVelped us
> understand not only the history of our species but our relations
> with other creatures. And the processes of history.
What history? Whose history? Why history? Does history have processes, and
thus steps? Steps leading to process? Or is process only a step toward
history? Is there a step called process? Is process a step? Or are all
steps processes? Do other creatures have histories too? Or are they just
part of our history? The History? All one big program history with
creatures programmed for us programs for our History? Or the processes
thereof? Are creatures processes? We are steps? Species are steps? Or
processes? Are the relations processes or steps? Is there a relation
between process and step?
> Similarly, the notion that the mind
> is modellable via processes describable in algorithms will, I hope,
> ultimately permit us more freedom in the soft machine, as opposed to
^.`.^^~<<^enslaving u````^~^.`^<<(////XXV///VV3CC/C%GG8880$$$$$B$@@@@@@@@@
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 ```                  `` `` ``^<<:(XVVX/XVX3G%%%G88888888g0B$$$$$@@@@@@@@@
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Do notions permit freedom? Are we currently unpermitted? Do I have a     |
Have no permits? Do we need permits for freedom? Not enough freedom as of
now? We need permitted freedom from modellable processes? Once processes
are modelled as algorithmic process systems steps we have permit for more
freedom in the soft machine? We are in the soft machine? Soft machine is
opposed to further enslaving? To mechanization? Of the machine? Of the
process? Of the step? Mechanization is not a function of process
algorithm? Mechanization is not a program? Are we not programmed to
mechanize? Where did mechanizations come from who programmed them? There
are mechanical processes? Mechanical models? These must be opposed to soft
machine? This is war between mechanics and soft machines? Two competing
programs? Or is soft machine program algorithm step and mechanics
non-programmed? The mechanized is the non-programmed if opposed to model
of soft m```ine as programme(VCX(^
    ///X/^`^ ^:XV//<`  `   ~V/<`</:`<(:<~`
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    VC8%VC%C%%CV3888ggg8G8GVX%88C:V%G88GG8g8g8%%%%3C3C(`  ^(
> In any case, the truth about our nature is
> preferable to a pleasant fabrication.
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 `<<VGgB@@@@@@@@$$$$$@$0%33V((<<<~~/X//<<<<~^^^<<<~~^^.``  `   ``^^^.^<(//
  .^V%g0$@@@@@@$B000g8G%%G%33C/(:<~^^^^<<^.                    ``^^^^</XVV
What is this soft fabric? Soft skin? Is it pleasant? Can we model
pleasant? Can we model pleasantly? Can we pleasantly model? Is truth
unpleasant? Always unpleasant? To what? Our minds? Senses? Ideas? Our
programs say that truth is unpleasant? Truth is that which is unpleasant
to our programming? All that is unpleasant is truth? Nature is truth? Our
nature is programs is truth is unpleasant? Same set? Equivocal?
Exchangeable? But not exchangeable to a pleasant fabrication?
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